FIDELITY Magazine Germany
Power Amplifier ( MONO ) Innovation Award
Fidelity Magazine has awarded the 2022 Innovation Award to the Rei Class A power amplifier. The magazine was impressed by the technology and our approach to Class A amplification within such a small and sleek package.
"The physicality of the instrumental reproduction is absolutely compelling."
" With every beat, no matter what musical genre, I got the urge to say: that's exactly how it should be!"

FIDELITY Magazine Germany
Review by Roland Schmenner
Roland shares his moments and memories as he took the road not only rediscovering music but also the complete reinterpretation of the Class-A concept. OLD SCHOOL, NEW SCHOOL.
"The physicality of the instrumental reproduction is absolutely compelling."
" With every beat, no matter what musical genre, I got the urge to say: that's exactly how it should be!"

Stereo Sound Online
Review by 小原由夫 @ Dynamic Audio 5555
Another senior editor from Stereo Sound Online revisit the showroom located on the 7F of Dynamic Audio. It was his first in nearly 10 years to visit this "sacred place". Mr. Kawamata - the host of Dynamic Audio also talks about why WestminsterLab is chosen to be one of the references.
" The amplifiers from WestminsterLab were also impressive, performing their assigned tasks at a high level, even with such a commanding system."
" WestminsterLab amps are good for all music. Everything sounds beautiful, regardless of genre, artist or label "

2022 Audio Excellence Award
Editors at Phile Web has given both the Rei and Quest the 2022 Audio Excellence Award.
"It's a "musical talent", and it's no exaggeration to say that it's more like a great performer
than a hard device"
" It's not just "reproduction", it's like a musical instrument that has advanced to the "expression" area. Quest + Rei will be your best friend
to listen to music."

Stereo Sound Online
Review by 麻倉怜士
Editors at Stereo Sound Magazine came to the conclusion that the Quest and Rei can go beyond hardware which simply playback music. But music instruments that have the ability to convey expressions of music.
"It's a "musical talent", and it's no exaggeration to say that it's more like a great performer
than a hard device"
" It's not just "reproduction", it's like a musical instrument that has advanced to the "expression" area. Quest + Rei will be your best friend
to listen to music."

Stereo Sound Online
Review by 山本浩司
Editors at Stereo Sound Magazine explore the possibility of having 2 sets of Rei monoblocks, comparing the sonic performance in dual mono, quad mono and bridged configurations. With the Quest and Rei in the setup, it was the Best 5 Mr Yamamoto has ever heard in his career.
"To conclude first, this sound was a
wonderful one that must be in the "best 5 sounds
I've heard in my life"
"The scale of the music is depicted
more magnificently... and it approaches the
folds of the heart."

Stereo Sound
Stereo Sound No. 219 Review
Editors at Stereo Sound Magazine had their first taste of WestminsterLab and published their thoughts and listening notes on the Quest.
"It is a remarkable preamplifier that makes you feel its high quality and tonal balance."
"The sound is Calm and Dense. There is no shortage of depth, and the voice is fine and realistic."

Stereo Sound
Stereo Sound No. 218 Review
Editors at Stereo Sound Magazine had their first taste of WestminsterLab and published their thoughts and listening notes on the Quest.
"It is a remarkable preamplifier that makes you feel its high quality and tonal balance."
"The sound is Calm and Dense. There is no shortage of depth, and the voice is fine and realistic."

Mono & Stereo
Review by Matej
Matej published his journey of "rediscovery music" with the all new Quest preamplifier, developing a dialogue between the realm of unadulterated music.
"The special and outstanding quality of the
Quest preamplifier stretched from track to track,
album to album."
"The Quest preamplifier does not misinterpret the original message but delivers a lucid and luminous vibrancy, always with its unique orthogonal quality."

Stereo Sound Online
Review by 山本浩司
Senior editor of Stereo Sound continues the investigation into the WestminsterLab music world after his first taste with the Quest.
"A limpid sound emerged, like an 8K video shot with an ultra-high resolution lens."
" There was none of the dullness that tends to be associated with large, high-power amplifiers..."

Stereo Sound Online
Review by 山本浩司
Senior editor of Stereo Sound investigates the ideology and details about the design of Quest, and how this "raising star" led him to the journey of music rediscovery.
"...no matter which of my favorite songs
I listened to. It was a great experience.
This is a new star of the preamplifier world."
" ...his vocals are so rich and expressive that it's as if a veil has been lifted, like an 8K image captured with an ultra-high resolution lens."

High Fidelity Poland
High Fidelity #200 review by Wojciech Pacula
Wojciech Pacula from High Fidelity Poland reviewed the Rei and Quest and had some profound conclusions and findings.
"...there is just MUSIC
and nothing else."
"...apart from the warmth - which is amazing - smoothness - it's the same -
there is also outstanding dynamics."

High Fidelity Poland
High Fidelity #200 review by Wojciech Pacula
Wojciech Pacula from High Fidelity Poland reviewed the Rei and Quest and had some profound conclusions and findings.
"...the amplifier is a kind of portal
to another dimension where music exists."
"It seems that it flows unobstructed, that nothing stands in the way between music and listener."

Mono and Stereo
Best of 2020 Award
Mono and Stereo has awarded our Westminsterlab Quest Preamplifier the prestigious Statement Award 2020. Follow the link to read the award details.
"This is one of the most interesting
amplifiers on the market,
regardless of price and design"
"with its sound, competes with the best devices in the world, including those from wealthy companies."

High Fidelity Poland
Statement Award 2020
High Fidelity Poland has awarded our Westminsterlab Quest Preamplifier the prestigious Statement Award 2020. Follow the link to read the award details.
"This is one of the most interesting
amplifiers on the market,
regardless of price and design"
"with its sound, competes with the best devices in the world, including those from wealthy companies."

High Fidelity Poland
Statement Award 2020
High Fidelity Poland has awarded our Westminsterlab Rei Class A Amplifier the prestigious Statement Award 2020. Follow the link to read the award details.
"This is one of the most interesting
amplifiers on the market,
regardless of price and design"
"with its sound, competes with the best devices in the world, including those from wealthy companies."

Mono & Stereo
Best of 2019 Award
Mono and Stereo has awarded our Westminsterlab Rei Class A Amplifier the prestigious "Best of 2019" award. Follow the link to read the full review by Matej Isak.
"... it doesn't sound like any
Class A amps I've heard so far..."
" These superb amps were voiced,
tuned and optimized inside out to a level
that it's hard to match."

Mono & Stereo
Review by Matej
Matej published his thoughts on how our revolutionary Class A amplifier changes his interpretation and image about Class A.
"... it doesn't sound like any
Class A amps I've heard so far..."
" These superb amps were voiced,
tuned and optimized inside out to a level
that it's hard to match."